Toroweap Ride

Have you ever stared out the window of a plane cruising thousands of feet above endless terrain filled with mysterious trails and roads, and just wondered what it would be like to explore them?
Well, my former cycling teammate Steve did just that. As a commercial pilot he's had plenty of hours to ponder and dream of his own adventure. And as an awesome cyclist and Marine he certainly has the CAN. fortitude instilled in him. In this blog post he shares a bit about his journey along with some amazing pictures. And yep, he has ties to Hawaii... as you see by the proper use of "spam musubi" for endurance fuel. I hope this inspires you to setout on your own adventure. I know it has me motivated. And I also hope to someday have cycling kits included in our RecReady™ collection. The CAN. logo on the kit in frame is a collab we have with the non-profit Three Feet for Pete out of Las Vegas, NV.
- Andy
"15 years ago I flew air tours out to the Grand Canyon from Las Vegas. On these flights we would fly over places like the Shivwits Plateau and landmarks such as Mt. Delenbaugh, and I would look down and see the occasional faint line of a dirt road running south to the Grand Canyon. As a lifelong cyclist I thought to myself it would be a cool adventure to ride a bike through this remote wilderness all the way to the rim of the Grand Canyon. Last week I finally got around to it and I bike packed from the Southern outskirts of St. George UT. all the way to the spectacular Toroweap overlook at The Grand Canyon. Over a two day period I rode 164miles, climbed 10,000ft and spent 15hrs in the saddle. Having a Spirit of CAN. got me through two of the hardest days I've ever had on a bike and it was well worth it!"
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