CAN. #askforhelp

Ask for help
Ongoing campaign in support of our mission:
Mission statement for the Spirit of CAN from Kauai Hawaii
As part of our mission to defeat "can't" / "no can" in our minds we are focused on Suicide Prevention. When "can't" / "no can" takes over in your mind, we want you to ask for help. We’re also asking you to help us break the stigma. 
We have given away hundreds of CAN. "ask for help" stickers and shirts to help break the stigma of asking for help. We’ll keep working hard to get them in your hands. Giveaways have included collabs with local businesses, non-profits, and targeted events. 
Ask for help giveaways
Rainbeau Jo's coffee truck giveaway
Nobody does life alone!  Reach out to your ohana (family), friends, or a professional. 
And never forget your safety nets:
Nation Suicide Hotlin(800) 273-Talk (8255).
On Kauai Ku Makani, The Hawai‘i Resiliency Project, has opened up a free crisis line (1-800-753-6879), connecting callers not just to resources, but to somebody who will listen.
Or text "aloha" to 741-741 
Someone is always available. No shame.  
(video) ask for help! 

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