Q & A With CrossFit Athlete Cole Diamond

I recently had the chance to interview Cole Diamond. Cole is an up and coming CrossFit athlete and junior at Kaua’i highschool. He recently competed in the 2022 Great Aloha Games where he and his team “Muscle and Hustle” were the only kids in the entire competition. Read more to find out how he took the mindset of CAN. to Maui.
Q: How long have you been doing CrossFIT?
A: Five years.
Q: For someone who knows nothing about CrossFit, can you tell us a little about it?
A: The community is amazing. There is an annual event called the CrossFit open and people from all around the world do the same workout as you at the same time. It is a pretty new sport but is growing fast.
Q: Your favorite thing about CrossFit is the community, tell us about your team that went to compete with you.
A: Team Muscle and Hustle included sisters Katie and Aliyah Roper, Elias Casillas, and me, Cole Diamond. We were the only youth team to compete in the one-day annual event, but we were pumped. After covid started, we all bonded and started to cruise as a group. We go to CrossFit Four days a week and we all help each other get better and improve our skills.
Q: What does a normal day in life look like for you?
A: My favorite days, I go to the 6am CrossFit class and I normally do one to two workouts. Then I cruise and then there's a kids class and I like to go to that also. The rest of the day is just recovering. I have school so most days I go to school and then CrossFit.
Q: What does your mindset look like as a CrossFit Athlete?
A: I really love CrossFit and it's where I want to be for the rest of my life. The main thing is it's you versus you. When you start comparing yourself to others it starts to be a battle and it's better to just focus on how you can get better every day and push yourself.
Q: Any advice for someone who wants to do crossfit?
A: Just try it out. It’s fun and everyday there is a different workout. There's a good mix of weight lifting, cardio and some other crazy stuff. It will be tough in the beginning but then it gets fun.
Q: What is your favorite workout?
A: I like burpees. My favorite is a workout called gretel.
Q: What are your recovery strategies?
A: Sleep is good for you. I use a TheraGun, ice baths from time to time, stretch and eat food.
Q: Favorite food?
A: I’m not picky, I like sushi, pizza and all the regular foods.
Q: Back to the competition. Can you tell me about the nonprofit your team nominated?
A: Keala Foundation is a nonprofit that brought me into CrossFit. Each team could nominate a nonprofit to receive the profits of the entry fees. It turns out three teams nominated the Keala Foundation. Our teenager team, our adult team and one other team. There was a raffle and the Keala Foundation ended up winning. They got $8,000! It’s pretty sick what $8,000.00 can do for the community of Kaua’i.
Q: How has the Spirit of CAN. helped you in your competition?
A: We were able to wear our CAN. shirts in the competition and represent what it means.
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