Mahalo for your business! 20% OFF - Cyber Monday Promo Code "kokuaCAN"

Mahalo to all of our customers for their recent purchases at our new brick and mortar partner Deja Vu Surf Hawaii and all of your recent online purchases. We recently restocked Deja Vu Surf stores for the holiday season, with new designs and apparel. Keeping stock at Deja Vu Surf shops has been a real challenge... Thanks to all you guys for your purchases and helping get our message out into the world. We are grateful for your patience as we grow the brand and learn how to manage inventory and expand the different lines. We have big dreams and ideas for the brand, along with types of gear we’ll offer in the future. Supporting us early on has enabled us to not only survive, but also support many organizations and individuals pursuing their own version of CAN. Please continue to check us out online and in Deja Vu Surf Hawaii stores! Our promise is to keep growing and inspiring humanity.
Online promo code – kokuaCAN for 20% off and free shipping (U.S. only)
Promo ends Dec. 4th
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