Included with every online order

Every purchase from our store includes a collector edition goal card and a CAN. “ask for help” sticker. It’s our strategy to impress upon you awareness:
Awareness of your opportunities to pursue happiness, goals, and your Spirit of CAN. We have started a collector series with only 250 per card being produced to start with. The cards reflect the dreams, goals, and pursuits our business has and others who are connected to the brand. Ambassadors, sponsored athletes, and even some customers will appear in these animated goal cards. The QR code will take you to the page dedicated to the goal. Cards are only available FREE with purchases of apparel online.
About Kaya's Card
We also want to help bring awareness and acceptance to the very common human experiences of trauma, chemical imbalances, depression, and just having shit days in life. We all suffer sometimes. And we want to perpetuate the concept of "asking for help." Whether it be a friend, parent, school counselor, your uncle or aunty... just talk about what you are going through. Believe it or not, our experiences are more common than you could ever imagine. And at a minimum you need to have someone to work through challenges in life. "No shame" as we say in Hawaii. And definitely no shame in calling a professional when you really need help getting back on track.
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